Quotes to Live By

If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more and become more, you are a leader.
(John Quincy Adams)

We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, therefore, is not an act but a habit. (Aristotle)

Every artist was first an amateur. (Ralph Waldo Emerson)

Nothing can stop the man with the right mental attitude from achieving his goal; nothing on earth can help the man with the wrong mental attitude. (Thomas Jefferson)

It takes ten years to build up a reputation, but only five minutes to ruin one. (Anonymous)

Monday, November 21, 2016

Shaken for Life

Are you in a slump or a rut and you don't know the next step? Fear not! Tim Tebow knows how you feel. 

You may be scoffing now. How does Tim Tebow know how I feel? He's famous and I'm a nobody. I've been rejected over and over by many people and Tebow has friends to support him everywhere he goes.

But have you heard that saying? The further you are promoted, the further you fall? No!? I will let you in on a little secret. I actually made that saying up. BUT, there is a saying like that somewhere else. 

In this powerful book, Heisman Trophy winner Tim Tebow passionately shares glimpses of his journey staying grounded in the face of disappointment, criticism, and intense media scrutiny. Following an exceptional college football career with the Florida Gators and a promising playoff run with the Denver Broncos, Tebow was traded to the New York Jets. He was released after one season.

In Shaken, Tebow talks about what he’s learned along the way, building confidence in his identity in God, not the world. This moving book also features practical wisdom from Scripture and insights gained from others who have impacted Tebow in life-changing ways.

Though traveling hard roads is not easy, it’s always worth it!

You may still be skeptical, but because I'm a member of Tebow's launch team, I have a freebie for you: a download of his first chapter

AND.... his book is on sale TODAY! Two reasons why you should buy a copy (or two) of Shaken today:

1) Shaken is a great read! Get the scoop on Tim's time in the NFL...some of the challenges he's faced...and how his identity has stayed grounded in in God and not in this world!

2) Shaken makes the perfect gift! Give the gift of faith, hope, and love to your son, daughter, mom, dad, grandparent, coach, teacher, pastor, minister, neighbor, or friend!
What people are saying about Shaken:

“Tim Tebow is not an athlete—athlete is what Tim fills in on his tax return. That does not begin to tell the story of who he is. Tim is a role model, an inspiration to those who have a dream and are willing to accept life as a journey full of ups and downs.”
—Jon Bon Jovi, singer-songwriter

“Shaken shows us a side of Tim Tebow that we’ve never gotten to see before. In this book, Tim comes alongside his reader and says, ‘I’ve been there too,’ and proceeds to show us how God is faithful even when our entire lives feel shaken to the core.”
—Mark Batterson, pastor and author of Chase The Lion

“Tim is a remarkable example of one who combines strength and boldness with kindness and compassion, and I’m always encouraged to hear of how he is using his tremendous platform to share the love and truth of our Lord with those who need it most.”
—Ravi Zacharias, apologist, author, and president of RZIM

“Tim has always inspired me with his dedication to grow and improve in all aspects of life, especially his faith. With this book, Tim encourages readers to keep moving and stay strong while battling life’s obstacles.”
—Cam Newton, quarterback for the Carolina Panthers

“Whether or not you’ve followed Tim’s career, Shaken speaks to something we’ve all had to deal with—trusting God when the plans for our lives don’t work out as we expected. Tim shares his journey from the Broncos to the Jets to the Patriots and beyond with refreshing honesty. He comes alongside us as a friend and gives us hope for the days our lives take an unexpected turn. I am so grateful to call Tim my friend; his life and passion constantly inspire me! Whatever Tim does he does with all his heart, and this book reflects that incredible commitment! I love Tim, and by the end of this book, you will too!”
—Judah Smith, lead pastor of the City Church 

“Shaken is everyone’s story. All of us know what it is to experience the best of days and the lowest of days. For Tim, he’s lived those days in public. I have the privilege to call Tim my friend and can tell you that with him, what you see is what you get, which seems rare these days! I appreciate how real and raw Tim is with his own struggles. In Shaken you will find great encouragement for your own life and faith.”
—Chris Tomlin, worship leader and songwriter

I got this advanced copy free of charge and I am not paid to endorse this product. 

Sunday, November 13, 2016

Growing Up Social

As a school technologist in a private school, I have seen more and more children come into my classroom with knowledge of social media already ingrained in them from their home environment as well as the many nuances from the advertisements.

Even though they have the skills to be tech-savvy, they aren't aware of the potential dangers that social media may present themselves in a variety of ways.

That's where this book comes in handy. Growing up Social, Gary Chapman and Arlene Pellicane will empower you with the tools you need to make positive changes . . . starting today. Through stories, wit, and wisdom, you’ll discover how to take back your home from an overdependence on screens. Plus, you’ll learn to teach the five A+ skills that every child needs to master: affection, appreciation, anger management, apology, and attention.

Learn how to:

Replace mindless screen time with meaningful family time
Establish simple boundaries that make a huge difference
Discover what's working for families that have become screen savvy
Equip your child to be relationally rich in a digital world
Learn healthy ways to occupy your child while you get things done
Now is the time to equip your child with a healthy involvement with screens and an even healthier involvement with others.

Saturday, November 12, 2016

Raising a Young Modern-Day Princess

How? That would the question that is pondered upon from every parent who have brought several hundred books on parenting.

How can I make sure my young princess is being raised in a social media world where one little comment could produce nasty violent outbursts of people wanting to hurt and kill you?

How can I guide my child through this society where one vote could go haywire and cause the United States to divide?

Emulating the format of Raising a Modern-Day Princess, authors Doreen Hanna and Karen Whiting seek to help parents and grandparents cultivate strong relationships and encourage the spiritual formation in their daughters using examples, Bible teaching on the fruit of the Spirit, and a variety of creative activities that are based on Galatians 5:22-23, the fruit of the Spirit (love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control).

By implementing the ideas in this book, mothers (as well as fathers) will be equipped to understand and guide their daughters through each step of becoming His “princess.” This will include perceiving a daughter’s unique personality and gifts, refining her character through training and discipline, and modeling the attributes of a daughter of the King.

This book is a follow-up to both Raising a Modern-Day Knight (by Robert Lewis) and Raising a Modern-Day Princess by Pam Farrel and Doreen Hanna. While the latter book is aimed at parents of girls ages 12 and up, this book focuses on building the Christian character of younger girls.

Christmas Letters from God

This timeless book written for children can be passed down from generation to generation to come. Because our society is so entrenched in Santa Claus and wishlists, our future generations are surrounded by materialism and is getting more and more narcissistic.

Written for children ages four to eight, Christmas Love Letters from God cleverly combines both prose and poetry as the story of Jesus’ birth unfolds. The book includes seven stories, beginning with Isaiah’s prophecy and ending with the visit of the wise men. Following each story, the child will find his or her own letter from God, folded into a small envelope attached to the page. Each letter begins with a space in which to write the child’s name, so each one can be specially addressed to the child.

Written as if God is speaking, each personalized message gives the young reader a sense of wonder as they discover anew the Christmas holiday and the birth of Jesus. A very special Bible verse, entitled God’s Perfect Promise, also accompanies each story and letter as God’s personal words of love, promise, and hope.

I love that this book speaks to the children as though God wrote it for them. In fact, I have the other book in this series called Love Letters from God and it is a boundless treasure for my future children someday.

Reality Check: Music Industry

Gone are the days where one good song will set you up for life as a singer. Instead, there are hoops to jump through to even get into the music industry. Unless you know someone, you are pretty much stuck.

In this book, you’ll learn:

-  How many musicians have seized do-it-yourself internet opportunities to create successful business models,
-  How the royalty pie is sliced—and who gets the pieces,
-  How the fundamentals of music publishing, producing, managing, touring, and the record industry apply more than ever,
-  Why this book is the indispensable guide to the worldwide music industry,
-  How corporate general counsels can educate their employees (and themselves) to understand the strictures of copyright law and to avoid trouble,
-  And much more.

What's more is the timeless insight that you will want to share over and over again with your loved ones and friends about the music industry.